- Fileforums.com
- GBATemp's PS2 Forum
- Hardlevel.com.br
- Jak & Daxter Fandom Wiki
- NFOHump Forum
- OnlineConsole's PS2 Pages
- OpenSpy's PS2 Online Servers
- PCSX2 Forums
- PS Gamers
- PS Rewired emulated Online Servers
- PS2 Homebrew Reddit
- PS2 Online Gaming
- PS2 Reddit
- PS2-Home
- PSBBN Portal by Vitas155
- PSX-Place's PS2 Forums/Messaging Boards
- PSX-Place
- Retro Game Boards
- Romhacking.net Forum
- Romstation.fr Multiplayer
- Romstation.fr Forum
- Team XLink Global Network Gaming
- The Cutting Room Floor Message Boards
- VGBA Forums
Online Communities:
Community Discord Servers:
- 8BitMods Discord Server
- AetherSX2 Emulator Discord Server
- Athena PS2 System (AthenaEnv by DanielSant0s) Discord Server
- Hardlevel Discord Server
- Naughty Dog (Fan Server)
- Obscure Gamers Discord Server
- OpenSpy's PS2 Online's Discord Server
- PCSX2 Emulator's Official Discord Server
- Playstation 2 Homebrew Community Discord Server (Archive)
- Playstation Homebrew Discord Server
- PS Rewired Discord Server
- PS-Gamers.ru Official Discord Server
- PS2 Online Gaming's Discord Server
- PS2 Scene Discord Server
- PS2 Space Discord Server
- PSORG (PS Online Returnal Games) Discord Server
- PSX Capture (PS2 - PS5) Online Discord Server
- PSX-Place Discord Server
- Team XLink (Official) Discord Server
- The Cutting Room Floor Discord Server
- The Emotion Engine Nostalgia Extrusion Concern, LLC Discord Server
- Xtreme Elite Boot+ Discord Server
Game Specific Discord Servers:
- 25 to Life: Classic Discord Server
- Auto Modellista Meetup Club Discord Server
- Burnout 3 Online Revival Discord Server
- Burnout PS2 Online Discord Server
- EQOA Revival Discord Server
- Jack and Daxter Discord Server
- Jack and Daxter Lore'n'Lounge Discord Server
- Jack and Daxter Speedrun Discord Server
- Jak X Multiplayer Discord Server
- Medal of Honor Rising Discord Server
- MH Oldschool Discord Server
- Midnight Club 3/2/L.A Online Official Discord Server
- Netslum - .hack//fragment Community Discord Server
- NFSOR (NeedForSpeed) Discord Server
- Official OBSRV Server Discord Server
- Ratchet & Clank 3 Casuals Discord Server
- Ratchet & Clank Discord Server
- Ratchet & Clank Horizon Online Play Discord Server
- Ratchet & Clank Online Discord Server
- Ratchet & Clank Size Matters Online Discord Server
- Save MGO Discord Server
- SlyCooper Discord Server
- SOCOM Community Discord Server
- Star Wars Battlefront PS2 Online Discord Server
- SvR/WWE/F NETPLAY Discord Server
- Twisted Metal Alliance Discord Server
- zdxsv (foreign Gundam) Discord Server
YouTube Channels:
- Adam Koralik's YouTube Channel
- alexparrado's YouTube Channel
- Blaine Locklair's YouTube Channel
- CosmicScale's YouTube Channel
- Daniel Santos YouTube Channel
- Haldrie's YouTube Channel
- Hardlevel's Youtube Channel
- HugoPocked's YouTube Channel
- Juanky's YouTube Channel
- Macho Nacho Productions Youtube Channel
- MegaBitmap's YouTube Channel
- Modern Vintage Gamer's YouTube Channel
- Mr. Mario2011's YouTube Channel
- MyLifeinGaming's YouTube Channel
- Playstation 2 Evolution by Sony's YouTube Channel
- Prime Retro Gamer's YouTube Channel
- Project Pheonix Media's YouTube Channel
- Spaghetticode (Boon Tobias) YouTube Channel
- Spawn Wave's YouTube Channel
- sync-on-luma's YouTube Channel
- Usagiru's YouTube Channel
- Vizor's YouTube Channel
- SAS .psu Releases/Downloads Index
- "Dungeon" test demo game
- 3D Pinball PS2
- 576p GSM
- Additional Projects by El_isra
- AIO Project: PS2 v2.0.1 (2021) by Berion
- Apollo Save Tool AIO Saves Management/Conversion/Import/Export
- Arceus Menu by Project Zeus
- AthenaEnv by DanielSant0s github
- BDM Assault (enabled exFAT USB) by El_isra
- bin2code convert binaries into PS2 Cheats
- Cheat Database Launcher
- Cheat Device
- CodeBreaker PS2 File utility github
- CosmicScale's github featuring Retro GEM Homebrews
- Crystal Chip R34 v3
- Cue Maker
- Discord for the PS2
- Discord PS2 Rich Presence Client for OPL via SMB
- DKWDRV Playstation 1 Driver for PS2
- DKWDRV Batch Game Installer by GDX
- DNAS Bypass Cheats
- DNAS Patcher output to PNACH File Converter
- DNAS-net Patcher
- Download sony_ps2linux_install_image.tgz
- Dungeon SDL2 Homebrew Game
- Enceladus by DanielSant0s github
- Fortuna Launcher
- FreeDVDBoot Official github
- Free Master Code Finder by El_isra
- FreeMCBoot Continued by El_isra
- FreeMCBoot Official Page
- FTP Server for PS2
- Game Mods Collection by Nahelam
- Ghidra EmotionEndgine Reloaded - Ghidra PS2 Addon
- Ghidra Processor definitions for MIPS R5900 (PS2)
- God-Hand-Tools for Conversion, Extraction, and Repacking
- GOG Galaxy 2.0 Integration for PS2
- Haldrie's SKSApps Backup
- Hardlevel.com.br
- HDL Game Installer
- HDL-Batch-Installer by El_isra
- HDL_Dump
- HowlingWolfHWC's official github
- Homebrew Downloader
- HugoPocked POPSTARTER Fixes
- KELFBINDER by El_isra
- KELFtool - decrypt, encrypt, and sign KELF files for PS2/1
- Master Disc Patcher
- MCP2 OPL with Manual GameID Transmission
- Memory Card Annihilator (MCA) Memory Card Tool
- MOD Chip Files of Various Make
- MOD Chip Matrix Team Actel APA075 based modchips flash dump. (Not FPGA firmware!)
- MundoWiiHack's Wordpress - Check PS2 Sections
- mymc Homepage
- mymcc github
- mymcplus github
- mymcplus Homepage
- mymcplusplus github
- Neutrino Loader XEB+ Plugin by sync-on-luma
- Neutrino
- nHDDl Neutrino GUI PS2 Loader by pcm720
- Open PS2 Loader for PSX DVR DESR consoles
- Open PS2 Loader Frontend for Neutrino
- Open PS2 Loader Official github - Official Downloads
- Open PS2 Loader OPLServer Windows SMB Program
- Open PS2 Loader PC Tools github Repo
- Open PS2 Loader Samba (SMB) Server Docker
- Open PS2 Loader SMB Server Containerized
- Open PS2 Loader SMB Server Script
- Open PS2 Loader Theme Editor (WYSIWYG)
- Open PS2 Loader UDPBD
- Open PS2 Loader Version Archive
- Open PS2 Loader Widescreen Cheats Collection (dated)
- Open PS2 Loader Widescreen Cheats
- Open PS2 Loader CFG Compatibility Databse by GDX
- OpenTuna Installer Official Page
- OPL Launcher
- OPL Manager (OPLM) PC Application
- OPL Scanner
- OPLUtil OPL Tool
- Original Memory Card Tester
- OSDSYS Launcher
- PAL2NTSC - PAL to NTSC ISO Tool (Dead Link - Please Submit)
- PFS-BatchKit-Manager by GDX
- PFS-BatchKit-Manager Extras by GDX
- Playstation 2 Basic Boot Loader by El_isra
- PlayStation 2 MECHACON Adjustment Program (PMAP)
- PlayStation Disc Burner (PSDB) by alex-free
- POPS Binaries
- POPS VCD Manager by El_isra
- POPSLoader by El_isra
- POPSTARTER Cumulative r6 Fixes
- POPSTARTER Discs_Pooper for Auto creation DISCS.TXT and VMCDIR.TXT
- POPSTARTER Game Installer for OPL
- POPSTARTER Installer github (dated)
- POPSTARTER Official Release and Resources Thread
- POPSY-X XEB+ PS1 Launcher by GDX
- PPF Relatted Softwares and Information
- Protokernal Patch for 10k Models
- Prussia
- PS1 HDMI/Component Fix for PS2 (custom GSM)
- PS2 .PNACH Converter for OPL
- PS2 Bios Dumper
- PS2 Boot Sequencer for 900xx FMCB Remote Loading
- PS2 Client
- PS2 Controller Remapper
- PS2 Controller Tester
- PS2 Debugging Toolset
- PS2 Developer github
- PS2 Disc Saver
- PS2 Drivers (.IRX EE .a)
- PS2 Dummy ISO Creator
- PS2 Homebrew github
- PS2 Icon Sys Tools
- PS2 Image Maker for PS2 iso files
- PS2 ISO Batch Renamer
- PS2 ISO Tools - Read, Build, Edit PS2 ISOs with UDF Filesystem
- PS2 Laser Fix
- PS2 Link - Side Application Loader
- PS2 MC Browser
- PS2 OPL Discord Rich Presence
- PS2 Packer - Homebrew ELF Compresser
- PS2 Patch Engine
- PS2 Save Decrypters by bucanero
- PS2 Save Tools Homepage
- PS2 Save Utility Converter for Save Files
- PS2 Unpacker - Homebrew ELF Decompresser
- PS2 Vault
- PS2 VMC Tool by bucanero
- PS2-Yabasic-Exploit
- PS2Ident PS2 Identification Homebrew
- PS2rd MOD
- PS2rd PS2 Debugging Tools
- PS2Runner Remote Test Harness for PS2 via IRToy and ps2link
- PS2Splash for Custom PNG Splash image on OSDSYS Launcher
- PS3 MCA Exploit Archive
- PS3 MCA Exploit
- PSBBN Definitive English Patch by CosmicScale
- PSBBN English Patch by Vitas155
- PSBBN Portal by Vitas155
- PSBBN Unencrypted Loader
- PSCOVERDL tool for PCSX2 and Duckstation Cover Art
- PSX 80 Minute Patcher - Patch CD games for Early PS2 Models
- PSX DVR DESR Tools github
- PSX-Place's PS2 Resources Directory
- PSX-XMB-Manager Homebrew Installer for the PSX DVR (DESR)
- pypsu Library for analyzing/creating PS2 PSu Saves
- Radhost Client
- RETRO Gem Programs/Applications/Game ID by CosmicScale
- RetroArch for the PS2
- RETROLauncher by Spaghetticode (Boon Tobias)
- Rockstar Games Uncensored PS2 Cheats
- SD2PSX Custom GameID Detection Firmware by bbsan22
- SD2PSX Official github
- Simple Media System (SMS)
- smbLaunchELF
- SuperTux
- Tony Hawk's Pro Strcpy Exploit by Grimdoomer
- Tonyhax International by Alex-free
- Tyra
- TyraCraft
- Undertale for the PS2
- unofficial Open PS2 Loader Grimdoomer internal exFAT Forked Version
- unofficial Open PS2 Loader Tenth Anniversary Edition Daily Build by Jay-Jay (Not recommended and abandoned)
- USBUtil for Splitting ISO Files on fat32 USB for OPL
- VMC Bootcard Loader MOD by El_isra
- WAV to ADP Converter for OPL Theme Sounds/BGM
- Widescreen Game Cheats by sync-on-luma
- Widescreen Game Patches
- wLaunchELF_isr Downloads Page by El_isra
- wLaunchELF_isr_HDD (Injection Capable) Project Page
- wLaunchELF_kHn (POPSTARTER Launch Capable)
- XPF Tool for Extraction and Decompresson
- Xtreme Elite Boot+ Homepage
- Xtreme Elite Boot+ Mirror
- AEP Emulation Page
- Art and Info for OPL and XEB+
- Art DB Backups from OPLManager.com
- Art Hi-Res Covers by Berion and Krahjohlito
- Art NTSC Hi-Res 8bit for OPL (archive)
- Art NTSC Hi-Res 8bit for OPL
- CD Media World
- Cheat Engine Website
- Cover Database by SvenGDK
- Cover Scans by Video Game Museum
- Covers by Kirkland's MANUAL LABOR (evilbadman.com archive)
- Covers by Kirkland's Manual Labor 4k PS2 Archive
- Covers by Kirkland's MANUAL LABOR
- Covers by LaunchBox Community Forums - Ultra HD
- Cover Target Game Covers
- Dirty Cheater / Touffu's Site
- DobieStation
- Emu-France
- EmuCR
- Emudreams
- Game Covers github Repo
- Game Rave Perfect Guides
- Gamefaqs PS2 Guides, Cheats, Saves and More
- Gamehacking.org
- Gamekult
- Gaming Alexandria
- Guide to install Linux on APA and upgrade to the 2.2.21 kernel
- Haldrie's SKSApps Backup
- Hardlevel.com.br
- HQ HD Disc Case Covers by Berion
- Instructions for setting up dual-boot with Akmem
- Mobygames
- Open PS2 Loader Theme Guide by Gamerman 5000
- Open PS2 Loader UDPBD Linux Setup Guide by OpenAI
- PCSX2 Cheats Collection github
- PCSX2 Emulator's Official Site
- Planetemu
- PS Gamers
- PS2 Bios Archive
- PS2 Covers github
- PS2 FPU Testing Page by Fobes
- PS2 Icons Open Database
- PS2 Linux unOfficial Site
- PS2 Patch Museum
- PS2 Wiki
- PS2-Home Archive
- PS3 Memory Card Adapter Wiki
- PSX Data Center
- RFGeneration
- ROM Hacking .net Homepage
- Romstation.fr
- The Cover Project (Art)
- Usagiru's Blog
- Video Game Box Art Box Design Showcase
- Wayback Machine's SKSApps Backup
- ZigStation2
- PS2 ROM Information PDF
- AssemblerGames Forum Archive
- BDM Assault by El_isra
- Console Mods PS2 Model Differences
- Console5's PS2 Wiki
- DESR Dev github.io
- DKWDRV Playstation 1 Driver for PS2
- Emuparadise.me
- Fobes.dev by Fobes
- FreeDVDBoot Official github
- Gamefaqs PS2 Guides, Cheats, Saves and More
- gamerman 5000's OPL Theme Guide
- Haldrie's SKSApps Backup
- Hardlevel.com.br
- HDD Compatibility Chart (Incomplete)
- HDLoader.com Archive
- HowlingWolfHWC's official github
- ifixit's PS2 Repair Guide and Documentation
- Link World
- Master Disc Patcher
- MCP2 Manual
- Memory Card Groups Documentation by sync-on-luma
- MOD Chips PS2 Archive
- MOD Chip Disable Procedures and Tips
- Mongoose http Server on PS2 Example
- Neutrino Launcher Wiki Compatibility List sync-on-luma
- Obscure Gamers Archive
- Open PS2 Loader Frontend for Neutrino
- Open PS2 Loader Official Page
- Open PS2 Loader NAS SMB Troubleshooting Tips
- Open PS2 Loader NAS SMB Troubleshooting Tips (Archive)
- Open PS2 Loader SMB Guide (Archive)
- Open PS2 Loader SMB Guide for Linux Systems
- Open PS2 Loader SMB Guide for Windows
- Open PS2 Loader SMB Guide
- Open PS2 Loader SMB Troubleshooting for Windows (Archive)
- Open PS2 Loader SMB Troubleshooting for Windows
- Open PS2 Loader UDPBD
- Open PS2 Loader User Guide for 0.9.3
- PCSX2 Emulator's Official Site
- POPSTARTER Official Release and Resources Thread
- PPF Relatted Softwares and Information
- PS Gamers
- PS2 Developer github
- PS2 Developer Wiki
- PS2 Documentation mirror github
- PS2 Homebrew github
- PS2 Homebrew.org Site
- PS2 Icon Format v0.5 Documentation
- PS2 Icons Open Database
- PS2 Linux unOfficial Site
- PS2 Memory Card File System Documentation
- PS2 Programming Documents github
- PS2 Save Tools Homepage
- PS2 Wiki
- PS2-Home Archive
- ps2tek's PS2 Comprehensive Hardware Reference
- PS2Wiki Team github
- PS3 MCA Exploit
- PS3 Memory Card Adapter Wiki
- PSBBN Files
- PSBBN Guide
- PSBBN Install Guide
- PSBBN Lost Channels
- PSBBN Portal by Vitas155
- PSX Data Center
- Redump.org's PS2 Verification Database
- Restorative Land Geocities (Old)
- ROM Hacking .net Homepage
- Savegame Icon Library and Documentation github
- SD2PSX Official github
- ShaolinAssassin's OPL Theme Guide
- ShaolinAssassin's POPSTARTER Wiki
- The Cutting Room Floor Game Content Wiki
- Tonyhax International by Alex-free
- uLaunchELF Wiki
- Video Game Museum
- Wayback Machine's FreeMCBoot.info Backup
- Wayback Machine's OpenPS2Loader.info Backup
- Wayback Machine's SKSApps Backup
- Xtreme Elite Boot+ Homepage
- Xtreme Elite Boot+ Mirror
Hardware and Retailers:
- 8bitdo.com's PS2 Accessories
- 8bitmods.com's PS2 Accessories
- Arthrimus PS2 Mods and Parts - including Slim HDD Mod Iflash2PS2
- BitFunx Official 2.0 IDE to SATA Chip Swap for Official PS2 Network Adapters
- BitFunx Official Gamestar SATA Network (No Network) Adapter - Not recommended/Mixed Reviews
- BitFunx Official MX4SIO
- Bitfunx sd2psx Release(MemCard Gen2)
- Bitfunx sd2psx (MemCard Gen2) mirror
- Blue Retro Core PADEMU Device
- Brook's Wingman PS2 Controller Adapter
- ElectronAnalog HDMI Mod
- ElectronPulse HDMI Plug and Play
- Gusse Retro Shop's Mods and Parts - including Methylene
- Helder's Gametech/MC2SIO
- Kaico SATA Network Adapter Upgrade
- Kaico Gamestar SATA Network (No Network) HDD Adapter - Not recommended/Mixed Reviews
- Kaico PS1/PS2 AV to HDMI Cable for all PS1 & PS2 Models - Swaps between RGB/Component
- MemCardPro2 VMC Device
- Official Blue Retro by darthcloud
- Official Sony Network Adapters (Recommended via Ebay or other resellers)
- pcp.tech's SD2PSX Ebay Listing - Verified SD2PSX Reseller on Ebay
- PS2 Easy HDD
- RETROTink Video Solutions
- RGEEK Gamestar SATA Network (No Network) HDD Adapter - Not recommended/Mixed Reviews
- SD2PSX VMC Device
- USB Optical Wireless Bluetooth Transmitter 2 in 1 Audio Transmitter Adapter Low Lantency For TV PC USB Wireless Audio Adapter
- AliExpress: Item EwC77A8
- AliExpress: Item EQmNRGY
- Bitfunx AliExpress Store
- GitHub: PSxMemCardGen2 by GameBitFunx
- GitHub: PicoMemcard by Dangiu
- GitHub: PicoDrive by Irixxxx
- Megidish Retro Shop
- AliExpress: Additional Hardware
- AliExpress: Item EusgZGC
Open PS2 Loader Themes:
- Assorted OPL Theme Relatted Documentation
- BarbudimGamer's youtube OPL Themes
- Controversas Nerds's youtube OPL Themes
- Crymax's blogspot OPL Themes
- Crymax's youtube OPL Themes
- FEH e RICK OPL Theme Blog
- GaboGames's youtube OPL Themes missing
- GaboGames's youtube OPL Themes
- gamerman 5000's OPL Theme Guide
- Juanky's youtube OPL Themes
- Leroy Gates's youtube OPL Themes
- Mega.nz OPL Themes Package 1
- Mega.nz OPL Themes Package 2
- OPL Manager's OPL Simulator Themes Guide
- OPLMania's blogspot OPL Themes
- PixeliGer's github OPL Themes
- PS2-Home's OPL Themes (Archive)
- PS2-Home's OPL Themes Guide (Archive)
- PS2-Home's OPL Themes Guide
- PS2-Home's OPL Themes
- PS2infinity's blogspot OPL Themes
- PS2THM's blogspot OPL Themes
- PSX-Place.com OPL Themes
- ShaolinAssassin's OPL Theme Guide
- Skinneblack's youtube OPL Themes
- SKSApps OPL Theme Guide Archive (Outdated)
- WAV to ADP Converter for OPL Theme Sounds/BGM
PSBBN and Related Resources:
Game Hacking and Modding:
PSBBN and Linux Related Resources:
- PSBBN Definitive English Patch v2
- CosmicScale's PSBBN Definitive English Patch
- PSBBN Archive
- PSBBN Forum Discussion
- Kernelloader 3.0 for installing Linux without the Official Sony Linux RTE disc
- Linux 2.2.1 from Sony's Linux Toolkit
- Linux 2.4.17 Patched for PS2
- Linux mipsel PS2 Mod
- Linux Kernel 2.2.1 for PS2
- Linux Kernel for PS2
- Linux kernel source: linux-2.2.21-pre1-xr7.tar.gz
- Bomberman Online
- SLBB-00001
- PS2 HDD Images and Dumps
- PSBBN Files on Archive.org
- Linux Sources for PlayStation 2
- PSBBN Footage (Feb 2020)
- Linux Sources for PlayStation 2
- Bomberman Online
- SLBB-00001
- PS2 HDD Images and Dumps